Corporate Identity, -Design & Visualisations
A Delicate Matter
Our client faced the unique challenge of selling Otto Wagner’s Postsparkasse—a true crown jewel of Austrian Secessionist architecture. Given its status as a listed and protected building, this was no ordinary task. Engaging potential buyers while adhering to the strict guidelines of the Bundesdenkmalamt (Federal Monuments Office) required a meticulous approach, as any potential impact on the protected structure demanded immediate and precise feedback.
To meet this challenge, we created an exact 3D replica of the building, down to the smallest details—even individual bolts. This digital model allowed stakeholders to evaluate and discuss
proposed changes to the iconic ‘Kassenhalle,’ whether it involved furnishings, scenario planning, or other modifications.
In addition to the architectural visualizations, we took on the development of all sales materials. This included everything from designing the logo and defining the color scheme to creating sales brochures, letterheads, a webpage, digital city signage, and even a commemorative book about the Postsparkasse.
The successful sale of the Postsparkasse stands as a testament to our collaborative effort, and we take immense pride in contributing to this remarkable journey.
“Neue Postsparkasse”
Developing the design for the “Neue Postsparkasse” encompassed the
development of a refreshed logo
Color spaces
A precise 3D Replica of the Postsparkasse
A selection of fonts that works with the heritage whilst still contemporary
Letterheads and business cards
And a book about the Postsparkasse
Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft m.b.H.
SIGNA Holding
Concept and Idea
3D-Modeling of the design and environment, shading & texturing, animation, and camera
Color correction and compositing
Editing & Cut
Still images
Graphic Design: Nina Gorfer